Boat Info

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Hog Cay, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

Couldn't resist a bit of a snorkel after we got anchored at Hogs Cay.  It was just Duane, Ed and myself.  Cathy wanted that nap!

It was too rough to go out to the barrier reef so we sound some coral heads to snorkel.  Very nice with lots of fish!!

Ed got two lobster!!  His first of the season.

Back at the boat relaxing.

We got a little rest and went in to the happy hour at the cruiser hut.  Good visiting - we had met everyone last year.  (Windrush, Panache, and Sam the Skull).  So only 5 boats in the big harbour so far.

View from the hut.

Our "sign" that we made last year.....our lettering has faded, we'll have to take it down and redo it (and add 2020, of course!)

Back to the boat for a early pleasant night.

1 comment:

  1. I like your sure to post a pic of the refurbished one...
