Boat Info

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Hog Cay, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

To start the day, Jerry and Donna picked me up for Donna's water aerobics.  We've been getting together about every other day.

Good fun and you certainly can't beat the view!!

Laundry and water making day.

 Laundry all done, clean sheets on the bed, time to go snorkeling.   Ed and Cathy joined us.  The winds have turned just north enough for us to brave the south reef at Maycock Cay.

Lobster hunting Duane!

Got one!

Ed a-hunting as well.

Dinghies going back across the cut, the winds had picked up a bit.

Just the one decent sized lobster but fun snorkel.  This went in the freezer as Cathy already had our dinner in the works.

After the usual cruiser hour (actually more like 2 hours) at the hut, back to What If for a great meal and game of cards.   Whew....cruising is hard work.

1 comment:

  1. ...I love to see the clothes drying on the home-y...
