Boat Info

Friday, January 17, 2020

Hog Cay, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

Took advantage of the overcast skies (no rain, fortunately) to dinghy to the next little cove and follow a trail over to the ocean-side of the island.

Starting the trail, looking back over the anchorage.  Sojourn and the rest of the boats are on the other side of the treeline.

 One of the cruisers - Bernie on Countess Cosel - works (as a hobby of sorts) to keep the "cruiser trails" marked and fairly clear of growth.   This trail takes about 1.5 hours to walk.  The markers are just pieces of bright rubbish that he collects on the ocean shore side.  These bits and pieces get blown away during bad storms, so they are constantly in need of attention.   We're glad to have the trails to follow!

Saw a huge termite mound.

And a little salt pond.  There are ducks in there but hard to see.

And some cool cacti.

Beautiful ocean side.  Looks stormy but really wasn't.

The sun would peek out.

And then quickly be shaded by clouds.

 All the way back around the bay to the dinghy.

And here are my little "treasures" that I picked up along the way.  The pretty yellow clam shells are still attached to each other.  I'd never seen any quite like those.  (The coral piece is long dead, so don't fuss at me for uprooting coral!!)

And as usual, the 4pm social hour at the hut.

Someone noticed a pretty rainbow forming.

And it grew into a doubloe rainbow.  Quite spectacular!

And before long it was time to retire to our boats for the evening.....

Dinner was on Sojourn with a jambalaya recipe that I admit was pretty tasty!  Cathy brought a equally tasty apple cake.  A couple of games of "Golf" and we were all ready for snoozing!

1 comment:

  1. does look stormy...we used to see huge rainbows like that in ND...funny how we never thought about it in the mountains that you never see both ends...
