Boat Info

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Hog Cay, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

We'd decided last evening that we'd do a potluck tonight.

In order to have a bonfire, we needed to gather some firewood.....we drug dead fall out of the sandy dunes.

Karen and Gerry from Persephone taking a load to the cruiser hut.

Ed loading up a bunch in his dinghy.

A group effort - unloading it and dragging it over to the fire pit.

A nice big pile good enough for several bonfires.  (The wood is not the "best quality"...burns sortof like pinewood.)

Gerry putting the final touches on the firepit.  Good job!

And before long it was time for the potluck.  Great assortment of food and as usual, nobody brought the same item.

Fun relaxing conversation until after dark.

Had to include a photo of Cathy's foot.....she cut it pretty bad doing water aerobics yesterday - stepped on something sharp in the sand.  She's trying to keep it dry and let it heal.   Bummer!

1 comment:

  1. ...when scout stepped on a nail at moms that time...we got a dry bag at the drug store and he went swimming and everything with it...hope everything heals quickly...the bonfire/potluck looks like fun...
