Boat Info

Friday, January 10, 2020

Hog Cay, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

Enjoying relaxing in the breezy semi-sunny conditions.  The temp holds steady day/night at about 78/79. 

Donna has knee issues and has a list of water aerobics that her doctor wants her to do.  So she invited everyone to join her ashore.   It was actually a good time - we did about 45 minutes of various lunges/jumping jacks/running in the water.    I understand this is supposed to be done 3 times per week.....

The usual, about 4pm folks start heading to the cruiser hut.

Enjoyed the chats - we decided as a group that well do a pot-luck dinner tomorrow.   That's all the excitement for the evening.

Off to What If for a comfy broccoli-chicken casserole and fresh asparagus for dinner.  I'll have to ponder what I'll take to the pot-luck tomorrow. 

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