Boat Info

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Double Breasted Cay, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

Started the day making bread.  Actually, we started last night.  Duane found an interesting method of adding some flavor to bread - it's called Poolish - it's used by the French.  Basically, you just add some yeast to part of the flour/water, mix and let "ferment" overnight.  Then add the remaining ingredients as usual.  Not sure why there are little bubbles on the surface....

But the bread turned out yummy!

Went over to Bluejacket for a chat with Jerry and Donna before heading out to the reefs.

Beautiful Queen Anelfish.  Remember, this photo is not enhanced in any way - they really are that brilliant!

Some pretty coral.  Duane got one good sized fish and a medium size lobster.

Time for sundowners on the beach!

Pretty sunset but no green flash.

Back to the boats to gather up food for dinner on Now & Zen.  Leslie cooked the fish that we'd both caught.  Yummy!   A couple of games of cards and we were ready for relaxing by 8:30PM.

And here's a unique find for me.  I spotted this sea urchin "shell" on the sea floor and asked Duane to dive down and retrieve it.  It's unusual because it's fairly fragile compared to most sea shells and breaks up easily.  

1 comment:

  1. ...the bread looks pretty awesome!...and so does the fragile shell...
