Boat Info

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Double Breasted Cay, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

It's incredibly calm!!  After so much wind earlier this month, we're just amazed at the calmness.

Spent the day snorkeling various areas.  I think we went out around 10AM and got back to the boats at 2:30PM.  We had a pack of Nabs on the dinghy around noon for lunch. 

We're able to go out in the exposed ocean sides of the cays because the surf is so calm.  This is not normally possible with prevailing strong east winds.

I think we went to 5 different reefs during the day.

Here is a lovely ray.

Lovely coral!

A little video of a pretty coral head.

Heading back to the anchorage at Double Breasted Cay.  It is so peaceful and beautiful here.

Now & Zen and Sojourn.

We were so pooped that we missed the happy hour on the beach....maybe we'll catch the next one.

Dinner was on Sojourn - grilled some lobster tails and they were delicious!!! 

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