Boat Info

Friday, November 15, 2019

St. Augustine

We drove into town with Ed and Cathy to go to a marine consignment store.  Was a lot of fun looking thru the piles of parts  - scored some really heavy stainless hinges to replace the small ones on our refrigerator and freezer. 

St. Augustine is just such a pretty town!  Even in the dreary weather.

Huge live oaks and Spanish moss everywhere.

Since this was our last day with Ed and Cathy, we joined them at a little nearby restaurant for conversation and a nice meal.  Jim and Bentley from Salty Paws joined us also for drinks - but I forgot to get a photo.  No worries, we'll probably see them in the Bahamas in a month or two.

We'll leave St. Augustine this morning and head further south and try to escape this rainy weather!

1 comment:

  1. ...we always loved St. Augustine too...we used to to a lot on weekends it was so close to doesn't look like it's changed much in the 25 years since we were there...haha...
