Boat Info

Saturday, November 16, 2019

St. Augustine to Daytona Beach

Quite a dreary day.....we were up at dawn to taxi Ed and Cathy from their boat so they could leave their dinghy hanging on the davits for the next 3 weeks while they visit their family on land.

It was pouring rain, but warm. Looks uncomfortable, but really was not.  (Photo stolen from Cathy).

Cathy looking drenched too!  Didn't get a photo of Ed as he was pulling the car around.  We'll miss them but they'll catch up with us in the Bahamas in December hopefully!

Passing another Manta "No More Mondays 2.0" on the way back to our boat.  We'll probably see them in the Bahamas also!  Going to be a lot of Mantas this winter!!

Underway to Daytona, lots of scenery, it was just overcast.

 What the cockpit looked like during the day!

More bridges along the way....

 We needed just a bit of fuel to get us all the way to Vero Beach in a few days so, once anchored at Daytona, we dropped the dinghy and took a little ride for some cans of diesel from the nice folks at Halifax Harbour Marina.

 Back to the boat for an early evening.   On to Cocoa Beach tomorrow.

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