Boat Info

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving from Bimini!

Hope you have a happy Thanksgiving day.  We'll have a potluck with some other sailors here at the marina later today.

We had a great day yesterday - we took the dinghy's out about 5 miles to a WWI wreck the SS Sapona.  Jeff & Jeana from Meriwether joined us with Now & Zen.

The boat was commissioned for WWI but was not completed until the war was over.  It was sold and used as a variety of things including a Casino and oil storage in the late 1920's.   It ran aground during a hurricane and afterward was used as a bombing target for the US fighter planes in WWII.

We swam inside the ship as well.

Interesting machinery.

On the way back we stopped by a few little outlying islands to search for coral to snorkel.  Didn't really find any but spotted this huge bird on the shoreline.  He is probably 4' tall. Huge wingspan as he flew away but I didn't snap a photo in time.

And on our way back to the boats, Ralph waved at us - "HELP".  He had run out of fuel in his dinghy!!! He'll never live that one down!  So for about 3 miles, we towed them.  Lucky we were together - that would have been a long way to row a dinghy!!   Fun day.

1 comment:

  1. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!...old ships like that are so spooky...
