Boat Info

Friday, November 29, 2019

Bimini, Bahamas

We're still at Bluewater Marina.  Had a great and very busy day yesterday.

First, 3 dinghy's from the marina went on a little "river" excursion.  Ralph lead the way to a mangrove path a few miles from the marina.  A new boat, Believe, joined us.  (Chris and Debbie)

Beautiful clear water.

And strangely, they have a statue of Martin Luther King, Jr near a small platform mid-way down the waterway.  Even though he was not their fellow citizen, the Bahamians admire him and his life work.

We took a short break at the platform.

Ralph told a joke.....he has a new audience.  You remember those  17 jokes, right?

View from the platform of the mangroves.

New friends Chris and Debbie from Believe.

Jeff and Jeenna from Meriwether.

Getting back in the dinghy's to continue the journey.

Snorkeling to see if anyone could spot a luck.

And then Ralph led us to "the Healing Hole".  Wow, it was a crazy walk in a mangrove channel - that was a weird sort of 2' wide cutout in the sandy earth - so you were walking in a "ditch".

Once it was over our heads, Ralph announced that we were at the Healing Hole....and we all asked the spirits to heal us of all our woes....  And then we reversed course back to open water.

Back in the dinghy's to head back towards the marina.

Across the flats - we needed to get over them before the tide falls much more - it's only a foot or so deep at this point.

Stopped back by Stuart's Conch Shack for drinks.

Off on the rickety dock.

Just relaxed and chatted.

And then it was time to go make Thanksgiving dishes!  We had started in the morning, going to the different boats in the marina telling them that we'd love for everyone to gather at around 4 pm for a potluck Thanksgiving meal.

It turned out fabulous!!

My plate.  Absolutely wonderful assortment.  I took green bean casserole and mashed potatoes.

Even a few of the local fellows we'd met on the dock joined us. 

And to end the day, one of the cruisers has a steel drum!!!  We all joined in.  Good fun and a wonderful day.

1 comment:

  1. The mangroves always remind me of Life of Pi...looks like good fun...especially the steel drums...
