Boat Info

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Little Harbour, Long Island, Bahamas

Today we had a terrific sail north about 25 miles to Long Island.

Now & Zen flew their beautiful spinnaker since it was mostly downwind.  (We don't have one for this boat or we would have done the same!  Thought about getting one last year, but quite pricey and you seldom get to use it.....)

Arrived to the cozy protected Little Harbour.  Did some fishing, speared several fish for the main course at dinner.  And we were chased to the dinghy by two aggressive sharks!!   They circled and came within a few feet of our flippers a couple of times.  They were alerted to the speared fish, we believe.  A little scary!  No photos because Ralph's camera died.  No worries, we have a spare coming with Leslie's brother in 10 days.

At the Crooked Island grocery store, I had picked up a piece of fresh ginger root.

I am out of pickled ginger - and Leslie said she had made it herself before.  So, I peeled it.

And sliced it thin.

Simply boil until tender with rice vinegar and sugar.  Turned out perfect - spicy since the directions call for "young ginger" and I'm pretty sure what I started with is "old ginger".  (I had saved my jar from the Chinese store, perfect for storage).

Dinner on board Now & Zen was fish, of course!

This is looking east at sunset - the beautiful pink sunset was reflected back at us on the clouds.

1 comment:

  1. Pretty pink sunset...I've made pickled ginger before too...pretty easy and tasty...
