Boat Info

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Landrail Point/Pittstown Point, Crooked Island

OOPS, having so much fun I forgot to post yesterday!

We dinghied in to the "small boat basin" in the morning, planning to wander the Landrail Point settlement.

We ended up chatting with the owner of the Gibson's 2 restaurant (Gibson's 1 was destroyed in the hurricane).  She offered to rent her car - so off we went on an island exploration.

Just one main road, we took most of the little side roads.

Church ruins.

Church Grove settlement on Turtle Sound

Someone had told us about a cave - so after a long drive up a weedy path and a bit of a walk we found the cave.

Couldn't find much info but the cave must have been a mining operation at one time - maybe bat guana for gunpowder or fertilizer?

 Remains of an old engine at the cave entrance.

Was a damp, dark cave with bats circling from above - we didn't venture far.

We needed to put gas in our little rental car.  This truck is the only way to get gasoline on the island.

Then we drove to the north end of the island to this historic site at Gun Bluff.

Stairs leading to  more ruins.

And back to Pittstown Point resort where they are building a new marina - dredging out an amazing amount of stone.

Then yesterday - we set out to see the Bird Rock lighthouse.  Note the "swell" coming on the right side of this photo.  It was a wet dinghy ride!

Sorry, the only inside photo I got was blurred!

Looks like the kitchen area.  Lots of little rooms along the round base building.

Guess what this building is??

The outhouse!

This must have been a bunkhouse.

Back to the beautiful reefs - Duane got three lobsters - this was the biggest.

I decided that it was worth cracking the legs on this one for the little "straws" of meat.  Yum, very flavorful.

We had met the "music man" during one of our side-road excursions.  He said he'd come to Gibson's and give us a concert.  So, we arranged a car to pick us up at Pittstown Point.  We had gone inside the little bar there to wait - and this local came in with this huge snapper.  He caught it on a hand line!

Off to Gibson's for the "Music Man" - fun evening!

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