Boat Info

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

More Fresh Creek, Andros, Bahamas

Since we're at the dock, we can just step off and get treats!  Someone had told us about the bakery.  It's "in the gambling building" - no markings, just a door to a room with a few bread racks inside.  Yum!  Apple turnover and a yeasty donut-y twist.  A buck each.

Our boats at the dock on our way "up the creek" to explore.

We went for a couple of miles up Fresh Creek.  It is a saltwater tidal creek and it goes for miles and miles.  We unsuccessfully tried to find a couple of blue holes, fished a bit - a relaxing afternoon.

Ralph and Leslie

Back at the boat, there is much "gathering" at the dock.  Trucks and vans and people are hanging around.  Normally, this area is completely deserted.

They are waiting on the once-a-week mailboat that is their lifeline to all supplies.

It finally arrives (a few hours late, I understand, but it's "island time")!

The boat backed in close to our boats. And the off-loading began.  Some passengers with luggage, some cars and pallets of a myriad of items.

Lots of hugs as families reunited - a nice scene.

And the unloading continued for several more hours.  Interesting process!

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    the donuts look yummy...and a sweet mailboat story too...
