Boat Info

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Fresh Creek, Andros Bahamas

This morning it was "rolly" in our little exposed anchorage, so Leslie called the "Government phone number" in the cruising guide to inquire if we could tie up at the dock.  She was eventually connected to the nice attendant at the dock and arranged for us to go inside the small harbour.

So we upped our anchors and motored the mile or so to the dock.

Leaving our pretty anchorage.

Pretty little light on the entrance along with the requisite derelict boat.

Rafted up with Now & Zen.  They charge $6 a day!  (Normal dockage would be anywhere from $40 to $120 per night).  From here we'll have an easy place to come/go although it's not quite as peaceful here!

First order of business was to get some laundry done.  We have a washer dryer onboard and it works great, but it uses a lot of precious water and we have to run the diesel generator.  The local laundrymat charges $1.80 for each load for washer and $1.80 for a huge dryer.  We would spend more than that on diesel to do it on board.

So we packed up 2 weeks worth of laundry and wheeled it about 3 city blocks to the laundry.

The laundry was a bit of a surprise - many of the machines were not working.  But the lady at the grocery store next door runs the place and was very helpful.  She told us which machines worked.

Several of them had special ways of making them work.  She knew all the tricks. 

In about an hour and a half we had a nice clean sack of laundry and it cost less than $10!

 While we were waiting on the laundry cycles we went for a little walkabout.  This was apparently an abandoned restaurant or meeting house.   Ralph being silly and Leslie being cautious!

Wandered up to a Catholic church on a small hilltop - the view was incredible!

After the laundry, Leslie arranged with the dock attendant lady for a ride to a restaurant a couple of miles away.

Neat local place - this is Sammy cleaning some conch.  He was extremely friendly and told us all sorts of stories and info about fishing.  He even gave us some "conch guts" so we could fish off the dock. 

That was about it for the evening - went back to the boats and put out a fishing line - but nothing biting!

Last minute edit.  I stole a couple of Leslie's photos from Facebook - since we don't often have photos of Karen & Duane!

At Sammy's - note the table/benches are all made from left over pallets.  Good recycle idea!

1 comment:

  1. Hey K,
    ...what a fun ramble...the views are pretty spectacular...and y'all look so cute and happy...
