Boat Info

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Sailing Manteo to Elizabeth City

Off northbound in the morning.  Destination, my Mom's "namesake" city - Elizabeth City.

Another cloudy day - and we could see a big blob of rain coming at us from the west on the radar.

It was pouring rain, although a little hard to see here.  Duane was inside trying to figure out a little autopilot problem.

I had glasses on, not because I needed them to see, but because the rain was hitting my eyes and making it difficult to keep my eyes open!

View of the bridge that we had biked to the day before.

But soon the skies cleared and we were treated to a lovely day, although the wind was strong and right on our nose.

This is the blimp hangar at the Naval Air Station Weeksville.  A huge structure!

And we even got to see a glimpse of a blimp of some nature!

The US Coast Guard has the largest training base in the US at Elizabeth City.  As we approached the town, we saw a couple of Coast Guard planes doing touch-n-goes.

Short video of the plane flying low over us on approach to the airport.  Neat to see.

Closer view of the blimp hangar.

Our destination was Pelican Marina.  We couldn't stay at the free "town docks" because they can't accommodate the catamaran because their slips are not wide enough.  The sign isn't a good introduction - the folks are very nice.

All tied up for the evening.

We met several of the folks on the docks.

And importantly, found their laundry room.  The pile had gotten quite high!

1 comment:

  1. ...those blimps sure do take up a lot of room...very pretty though...


