Boat Info

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Sailing Elizabeth City

A little bit of a stormy night - the marina is not well protected from winds, so we rocked and rolled a little at our face-dock.

We had met a family that is spending the weekend on their large power boat on the same dock.   The name of the boat is "4 of Harts", so I'm assuming their name is Hart....

The kids are really sweet.  And they're hams for the camera!

Note the coffee colored water from the Dismal Swamp.

See what I mean?   Cute.

Of course, we went on another long bike ride - all over town and out along the riverside.

Neat old churches were everywhere!

Seemed like more churches than people to fill them!!

Neat old houses - some in good repair, some not so much.

And the water tower - right in town.  Note the "Harbor of Hospitality" slogan.  It's true!  Nice folks.

And a highlight that I was not expecting in Elizabeth City.  Found the Toyama Japanese Restaurant -  sushi for Karen!!

It was delicious!

And we stopped by the Saturday street market - lots of fresh veggies and baked goods.

And I spied these little earrings.  I had bought some similar from a "boat girl" in BVI one time, but I lost one of them.  So, I treated myself to another pair!  Fun day.

1 comment:

  1. ...Mom's namesake city...very pretty...I love your little earrings...


