Friday, January 31, 2025

Pittsboro, NC

 We went for a nice long walk around the runway.  The sky looks stormy but it was really very nice for a January day!  Our neighbor was landing as we were walking.


It's unusually dry so there was a bit of dust.....we stopped by their hangar after they had landed for a little chat.

Back at the ranch, my sis would be proud of a yummy tofu curry I whipped up for supper.  I dredge the tofu in cornstarch before frying in sesame oil.  Gives it a real firm feel. 

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Pittsboro, NC

 I know, I've gotten behind on my posts...

Duane and I spent a day at the airport since one of the office computers was "misbehaving".  It was terribly old and just needed to be replaced.  Unfortunately, it's not just something that can be plugged in and working right away.  It's networked to a server where we keep all the company records.  Duane is a hero for getting it all up and running but it did take about 8 hours to accomplish!  Fingers crossed it will work for several years without too much help from us!!

With the weather turning much nicer, there was a lot of activity at the airport while we're at the front desk working on the computer system....turbine aircraft from two different companies visiting the city.

And there was a crew of 5 fellows flying these two aircraft to do aerial mapping.

Here is a view of their path for 3+ hours (the green line is their flight path.  HBI is Asheboro Airport)


They let me peek inside at the camera - the pilot says that the camera is "gimbled" to allow for minor changes and keep the camera level.  And it costs about $1.2 million dollars!!!  The camera takes thousands of photos and each snap of the camera uses over 1GB of data.

I climbed under the plane and got this shot of the camera lens.  I asked the pilot why they don't use satellite images and he said that they are no where near as accurate.

And we went for another 3+ mile walk....much nicer weather with temps in the 50's.

There were even a few boats out on the lake enjoying the weather.

Just a lovely day!

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Pittsboro, NC

 We braved the frigid temps to go out to eat....always fun to catch up with old friends.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Pittsboro, NC

 Since the temps were above freezing, we decided to bundle up and take another afternoon hike.  The gloves really made it comfortable.

 A little hard to see but the edges of Jordan Lake are crusty with ice.

And a little leftover snow.

We only walked 3.6 miles but it was a good workout!

At the State Park entrance we had noticed this payphone....on the way out we stopped just to see if it was actually working.  I don't think I've seen an actual payphone in the US in 10 years......I took some coins with me over to the phone.  Yes, it had a dialtone.  FYI it costs 50 cents to make a local call....I was going to call Duane's cellphone just for kicks but it wouldn't accept my coins.  I expect the 911 feature was still active since there was a dialtone.

Friday, January 24, 2025

Pittsboro, NC

Our oldest is turning 36!  Wow, hard to believe we've got a son that old!!  We met him at Daniels Italian restaurant in Apex.  It's an old favorite of ours from back in the 1990's when it was "out in the boonies".  Amazing that a local restaurant could survive that long in such a now-bustling crossroads.  Fun evening.

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Pittsboro, NC

I spent most of the day at the took several hours for the snow to melt.  Surprisingly busy day.  Helicopter flew in for a pilot check-ride, fueled a Beechjet for a trip to Key West and lots of folks in-and-out.  Glad to go home and get a nap though, after a very sleepless uncomfortable night in the terminal building!  

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Asheboro, NC

 Last night was the regularly scheduled quarterly Asheboro Airport Authority meeting at 7pm.  There were flurries flying when the meeting started and 19 ° the time I locked up the terminal building at 9:30....this is what the car looked like.  I let the car warm up and brushed the fluffy snow off the windows with a towel (I don't have an ice scraper in the car....haven't needed one in 8ish years....)

But a little 2 mile foray on the roads left me a bit scared.  I called Duane and we decided that I could just overnight back at the terminal building.  

We have a small pilot's lounge so this was home for the night.  Didn't really get much sleep but better than being stuck in a ditch some where.

 The view this morning.  Still cold, waiting for the sun to do some melting!

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Pittsboro, NC

We went for a long hike at Jordan Lake....need to be moving a bit to prepare for our Costa Rica trip where we'll do some hiking to see some waterfalls and such....

Well over 5 miles and my Fitbit says we had an elevation change of 4462 ft.  So a bit on the hilly side!


Beautiful day - temps in the high 40's was "tolerable".

Not a lot of boater activity.

Nicely kept trails.

We saw 2 other couples the entire time we were there.

Sad to say our neighbor Barney passed away yesterday after a long illness.  A good life, well lived but we'll miss you!


Saturday, January 18, 2025

Pittsboro, NC

 We made a quick day trip to the boat to take some measurements on Sojourn.  All was as we had left it.


But we were shocked that the water was almost clear!

Since we've never been here in the winter, we didn't know that the murky, tannic water apparently clears in cold weather.

Otherwise just bearing the cold weather and looking forward to spring!

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Pittsboro, NC

 Not a lot going on....doing a bit of organizing to get ready for our upcoming trip to Costa Rica....

The birds have finally found the bird seed that I've been leaving out.  Fun to watch.  That's about it!  Cold here!  Enjoying watching our cruising buddies exploits from afar.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Pittsboro, NC

 Well, I was expecting a nice fluffy 1-3" snow....but what we got was just a dusting of snow and a nice little layer of ice....luckily, the power stayed on and all is well.

Pretty ice in the trees but it's already melting fast.

Brrr....I looked at the 10 day forecast here and it's chilly, chilly for a while still.  Just a little over 3 weeks until our Costa Rica trip so I do have a warm outing planned!

Friday, January 10, 2025


 Snow!!!  Alright, it’s just a tiny bit….first we’ve seen in 8 years!  May be more coming overnight.  I made a big pot of soup and cornbread for supper tonight to celebrate. 

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Pittsboro, NC

 We just haven’t done anything much that was very photogenic lately. 

We did make a trip to the Asheville area to be with my mom during her chemo port surgery. 

It had been snowing a little there - you can see some dusty snow on the sides of the road.



 All went well and she’s in great spirits, ready to face the next few months.

 Dreary day, I just waited a few hours in the waiting room.  The hospital staff was wonderful and everything went like clockwork.

 Because we were already making a trip to the mountains, we decided that we'd go to Duane's cousin's birthday party.  Birthday girl on the right and Duane's mom is on the left.  Chilly outing but she enjoyed herself!


A fun and rowdy time.  We were told to bring a "White Elephant Gift" to Duane dug out this Chinese horse - it was a gift from a visiting colleague back in his working days.  (It was their custom to bring a gift...).  It had been gathering dust on a closet shelf for 15'ish hears so was perfect for the gift exchange.



Funny - one of the first gifts chosen was not ours but a similar one!  A model camel!!

But the camel was "stolen" from her.  So she had to chose another gift from the table.....she chose our Chinese horse!  Was all good fun.  (The horse eventually made it into the hands of one of the horse-crazy little cousins running around for it's "forever home".)  We're just glad to regain the shelf space!

Granny chose a warm fuzzy blanket but later "bartered" for some snuggly footies.

Marsha, the birthday girl with some of her grandkids having a special time.

And now we're back at home - we both went to eye appointments today - my distance vision has actually improved since 2021 when we last went to the eye doc....but he did inform me that I had the "beginnings" of cataracts in both eyes.  Nothing treatable yet, but to be looking for that in the next 5 yrs or so.  So we got to bypass the choosing of glasses as neither of us needs anything other than the always-present readers!

And now we're watching the news, expecting a few inches of snow/sleet/freezing rain late Friday night.

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Pittsboro, NC

 Well, happy new year to everyone!  We actually did manage to stay up until midnight on New Year's Eve and even popped a bottle of champagne to celebrate!  

I did some year-end paperwork at the airport on New Year's Day - two jets popped in....


And we had a nice New Year's meal for good luck in the coming year.  Duane had traditional pork but I had made a "tofurky" roast (assume that counts towards the superstition!)