Boat Info

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Pittsboro, NC

 Sorry I haven't been blogging lately....we're at home doing home-chores.  I'm trying to stay off my foot as much as possible as I'm still battling this silly plantar fasciitis that I've had for a couple of months.  It got particularly bad the last couple of days in Oriental running back and forth between the boats.  I've got lots of remedies - ice, a rigid "boot" device, orthodic shoe inserts, compression socks and some brand new Merrell shoes.  I seem to be on the mend but will take it easy a few more days.  Beautiful and green at home looking towards the runway!

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear you’re suffering from ‘policemans heel’. I hear it’s quite painful. Take care, hope it heals up soon. 🤞
