Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Oriental, NC

 Hello, my people!  I have an announcement.....for many different reasons we are doing something you may find odd.  

We're keeping Sojourn and we'll sell Oasis....

We just didn't fall in love with Oasis - for lots of reasons we've decided that we're much happier on our little vessel that we've taken so much care to alter to our needs.  We did do one thing that I really wanted - we moved the louvers over to Sojourn.  

We do have a bit more to do on Oasis to get her ready to sell - just a few items that we knew would have to be addressed.

We're relieved to have made the decision and will move along accordingly!

So you'll see the new view - pretty spiffy:

1 comment:

  1. Loving your boat is not a bad thing - happy you made a decision that feels good to you
