Boat Info

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

West Palm Beach, FL

 OK, so we're really at Riviera Beach but these towns all just run into each other within a mile or two....

The surveyor, Matt Hoxie, arrived right on time and got busy investigating all the installed items.  Alan and Matt taking a quick break before we head over to the haulout lift.


After a brief wait in the current for a boat to leave the well, Alan steers the ship into the lift area.

I will give a shout out to the staff at Crackerboy in Riviera Beach - very professional.

In the slings and lifted in just a few minutes.

The owner of the yard came by to say hello.  He's very proud of his son and his business!  Nice fellow.

The bottom looks great as it was painted just a few months ago....not a fan of the red bottom paint so that will get changed to blue at the next haulout....

After Matt thoroughly inspected the hull and found nothing of note, back into the water in less than an hour.  Charge for the haulout was only $642 so we were quite pleased (other yards quoted more than twice that price!).

Alan captained the boat one last time back to the slip.....

After a short rest, we went out for a pleasant meal....we'll get some "training" tomorrow on a couple of the systems and start to get to know this boat.


  1. Woo hoo. Glad the haul and survey went well. - Now the real work begins
