Boat Info

Saturday, June 29, 2024


 Getting pretty close to home now!  Yesterday we thought we would continue the outside run to Beaufort, about  70 miles. So at dawn we went out the inlet. And quickly decided that the seas were just going to be uncomfortable with strong winds on our nose. Didn’t sound like any fun so we decided to regroup and motor the intercoastal Waterway instead.

Pleasant cruising but slow!!!  The current was against us almost all  day....

As we got close to Camp Lejeune near Jacksonville, NC - we started seeing these training "things".  I'm sure they practice war with these.

Near Topsail or Onslow beach....not sure because our navigational maps don't really have a lot of land based detail.


It was clear that school's out and families are enjoying themselves at the beach! Calm little cove on the ICW just a few hundred feet from the ocean side.


Lots of secluded waters too.  Pretty light traffic for a summer day.

We had to pay close attention to the time as we had a couple of bridges that only open on the top of the hour....missing one of them would mean having to hover for a very long time!  Fortunately, we  timed them perfectly.

After a long day with slow speeds, we made it to familiar ground at Swansboro. 

Beautiful sunset...will be home soon!!  Now the work will really begin!


  1. not work, just think of it as fun. Per Mary Poppins "In every job that must be done There is an element of fun. You find the fun and snap! The job’s a game”

    ok Dean usually has rose colored glasses as well

  2. Nelly 🐶 really hated Camp Legune. During that live fire exercise of heavy ordinance was the only time I’ve seen him scared of things that go bang. He’s not phased by thunder or fireworks 💥 shows

  3. Fortunately, there were no exercises while we were through there!
