Boat Info

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Oriental USA!!!

 Another night of motorsailing in relatively calm conditions.  When I "toured" the boat there was an unfortunate flying fish on the tramp....he had been there a while so he made some other fish happy...

Still making good time in the Gulf Stream - but time to point towards Beaufort.  The water temp dropped several degrees and our speed slowed to the 6's instead of 9's.

We caught 3 bonita "tuna" - but I forgot to snap photos of them whole.  

Coming in to Beaufort we were with a rising tide so we kept over a knot of favorable current.  The normal sights at Beaufort inlet.

The fish offering cleaned and into the fridge....

And later vacuum packed....will ask Keith and Denise if they have a smoker???  I have a recipe in mind for these....

Up the intercoastal waterway....darkness approaching so we decided to anchor just off Jerry and Donna's dock and handle the tieup first thing in the morning.


Jerry and Donna's dock awaiting their return in a few weeks!

First thing in the morning - back to our dock with new neighbors Collen and Joe in the foreground.


What If awaiting her friend.

And Ed and Cathy were there to welcome us home!

The season is over....2790 nautical miles Nov - May....lots to do in the coming months!!

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