Boat Info

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Oriental, NC

Busy day at the boat.

Doing some fairly minor upkeep.  Something we should have done ages ago - but now will do to make it look nicer as we get ready to sell it.  The little step at both of the rear berths was looking a bit tired.  So I sanded them off and reapplied polyurethane.

Now they're nice and shiny.

We have an appointment in a few weeks in New Bern to have the standing rigging replaced.  (The rigging is the stainless cables that go to the top of the mast and holds the mast up.)   Most insurance requires that the rigging be replaced every 10 years.  Ours is past that time frame so it's time to get it replaced.  It's not something we can easily do since the large cables have to be fabricated exactly using industrial "crimping" tools.  

We can save a bit of $$ by getting everything ready though.  Time to remove all the sails.  Jim and Michelle from Skyfall joined in the fun (in 90 degrees and sunny weather!).

Not rocket science, just tedious and bulky.  First the jib.


Then the main - moved off the boat using the main halyard.

Getting the battens (stiffners) out of the sail - this was a first time for us as we've never had this sail off the boat.

Folding everything up neatly including the sail cover. 

We've got an appointment at the sailmaker for some minor patches and repairs while we have the sail down.  Skyfall decided that they would do the same so off their sails went - their jib.

And their main sail.

And right about then Ed and Cathy drove up in their new camper!!  Fun to visit and tour the new home....we all went out to Silo's for the normal Tuesday Two-Fer pizza.  Good day!

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