Boat Info

Friday, February 23, 2024

Low Water Harbour, Buenavista Cay, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

 We don't often have any stress down here....but a couple of other boats came into the harbour and provided some.  They are traveling together and apparently wanted to anchor close to one another.  Unfortunately, they decided that our spot was the best spot.  It's a wide open anchorage - no need at all to "bunch up".  They dropped their anchor directly between Sojourn and Now & Zen - so they were about 100' away.  Our reaction was to immediately crank up the engines and move to a completely different spot!  End of stress and actually a nicer spot to anchor with the current/wind.

Now & Zen

And Sojourn

After lunch, Leslie and Ralph stopped by for a chat.  My bread machine had beeped that it was finished just moments they were treated to hot buttered bread on the dinghy while we chatted.


We went for a walk along the shore of Low Water Cay - we'd never done that before for some reason.


Just another pretty shoreline!


My "haul" from the walk!


And in the evening we had a fun dinner on Sojourn with the usual suspects.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe they anchored close because they wanted to see two spectacular looking boats up close
