Boat Info

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Little Ragged Cut, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

Started the day doing some boat chores- washed a big load of laundry...needed to do that before the forecast "big winds" arrive tonight.

There just wasn't enough solar to do it all at once, so we ran the generator for about an hour to make water and bake a loaf of bread as well.

I thought I had the recipe "just right" to make a nice loaf - but every once in a while I get this - just too big for the breadmaker.  No worries - it's still delicious - just a bit of cleanup to do!

 Then it was time to stretch our legs a bit before the windstorm arrives.  We may be "boatbound" if the chop makes it difficult to get in the dinghy.  

Just a normal beach walk. 


Beautiful day!


But we could see the stormfront approaching from the west so we turned around and made it back to the boat before the rain started.


Bluejacket getting a nice rinse.


And at sunset we were treated to a mesmerizing display of clouds!  Looking east.

The actual sunset was spectacular!!!  This is just the photo I snapped - no filters or anything.


As the night progressed, the winds built into the low 30's.  The anchorage was excellent protection - we slept easily thru the night.


We woke to Now & Zen being at the end of the rainbow!

1 comment:

  1. So glad the wind has been reasonable so far 🤞🤞
