Boat Info

Monday, February 19, 2024

Hog Cay (Torch Cay), Exumas, Bahamas

 The winds were forecast to be from an uncomfortable direction so we hatched the idea to sail about 3 hours up to the east side of the Hog Cay Cut and anchor near Hog Cay a private island at the end of the Exuma chain.  (It is alternately called Torch Cay on some charts).

Skyfall joined us for the fun sail.

A photo Jim sent of their view over to Sojourn heading out of the anchorage.


Just perfect sailing conditions - 6-7 knots and virtually no swell.


Passed a monohull having an equally nice sail!


Skyfall anchored - just a lovely anchorage!


The two Mantas.....

After we got settled and had a bite of lunch, we wanted to take a peek at a "hazard" in the water we'd read about.  Apparently a large track-hoe/excavator fell off of a barge near Hog Cay.  It's well marked on the chart as a hazard.



We were at mid-tide/rising - so this thing is almost at the water surface!  It's marked by a floating container....



 This is the attach point of the "buoy" - this won't last thru a storm...


The water was unfortunately cloudy....already small fish and slime are present - I believe this happened about a month ago.


The equipment is just setting upright on the bottom.


This shows how close to the surface it rests - would be absolute devastation should someone hit this with a fiberglass boat!

We snorkeled around the area a bit trying to find any coral or fish but really nothing was found.

Jim and Michelle took Nelly ashore for a walk - the shoreline up to the high tide mark is public property in the Bahamas even on private islands!


We invited Skyfall over for a lobster dinner - was fun but no photos were taken!!  

We'll move back to Salt Pond now as the winds will be shifting yet again.....

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