Boat Info

Saturday, January 6, 2024

Little Ragged Cut, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

We started the day with a mid-morning snorkel.  Fun little coral heads.

Saw a ray that let me take a video (sometimes they scurry away too fast).

And there were just an abundance of these little "grunts".  Sortof like being in an aquarium.

Nice shallow snorkeling.


A school of blue runners circled us a couple of times.


Duane found 5 "baby" lobsters hiding in one hole.  Much too small to take.

Back at the boat we had Donna and Jerry over for a long game of chicken foot dominoes.  Good fun - Donna whooped us all easily!


And as sunset approached, we retired to the cockpit.  Ralph joined us for sundowners on the boat.


We're still waiting on the first "green flash" opportunity this year.  So far it's been much too cloudy at the horizon.

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