Boat Info

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Little Ragged Cut, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

 We decided that we should go back south to the Little Ragged Cut to be prepared for some clocking winds over the next week to 10 days.  Better just to get a spot there because most of the boats in the lower Ragged Islands will be looking for shelter...

Jerry and Donna led the way - we just put up the main sail and had a lovely start with brisk winds on the beam.


Lovely water....


Now & Zen brought up the rear - by the time we turned eastbound the winds were strong and on our nose so we all dropped sails and motored the final stretch into the anchorage.

We had a little trouble finding a good spot to anchor - there are 11 boats in the relatively small anchorage now!!  Chris from Dragonfly came over for a chat - we'd not seen him since last year.  Fun catching up.  Jerry from Bluejacket came over for a visit too but I forgot to snap a photo of him.....

In the afternoon, we took the dinghy to collect some firewood but I forgot to take a photo, believe it or not!!

Leslie and Ralph wanted to do a campfire - so they got busy with the Saw's All cutting the driftwood we carried over into smaller pieces.


Sundown was a well-attended event - all 11 boats came in for a bit of socializing. 


We even were treated to a small green flash even though it was a mostly cloudy sunset!


I had left items marinating for dinner - a steak for Duane and a tuna steak for myself.  I tried something different - I had read about using baking soda to tenderize steaks.  I did that for Duane's steak before putting it in the marinade.  He said it was lovely so I'll put that in the arsenal.


  1. Wow 11 boats! That’s a lot for the cut. Thanks for the BS tip. I’ll try it too.

  2. That’s Baking Soda not the acronym for Bull Sh**
