Boat Info

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Little Ragged Cut, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

The plantains I had ordered on the mailboat have finally ripened.  I know they look over-ripe, but they're not.

Sliced and simply fried with a pinch of salt.  They're starchy, slightly banana flavored and sweet.


A yummy breakfast.


Ralph and Leslie invited us to join them on a little sight-seeing trip we'd never made for some reason after all the years visiting here.


There is a large salt pond at the southern end of Little Ragged that you can only enter at high tide thru a narrow inlet.


It's just beautiful.


We anchored the dinghies in about 3' of water.


Ralph flew his drone for some video of the area.  I'll upload the videos when I get them from him.

Leslie took a few photos of Duane and I relaxing.



Then we explored the pond a bit more - but the high tide was over and we needed to get out of the pond before the water was too low.

Heading back to the boats, we stopped off at the northern end of the Little Ragged to explore a little deep channel. 


This channel feeds a different salt pond but there is no access for the dinghy, it ends in mangroves.


The two Manta's are visible over the flats.


Back to the boats.

Before we knew it, time for sundowners and a small bonfire.


The usual suspects - Jerry and Donna

And Ralph and Leslie - only two other boats in the anchorage still.  Just how we like it!


Lovely sunset.



 Chatted into the evening.  A lovely day!


Since my sister asked 😍, here's the video I took last night of sunset.  If you watch to the very end, you'll see a small "green flash" right at the horizon as the last bit of sun is visible.  It was much better with the naked eye but you get the idea.  Zoom in on the sun for best viewing.  Just a fun thing to watch for.


1 comment:

  1. Your pond exploration reminded us of doing that at Atwood Harbor with you guys. Just beautiful!
