Boat Info

Monday, December 18, 2023

Top of the Majors, Exumas, Bahamas

The picture for much of the morning....30 knot winds settling down in the afternoon.

Finally blue sky peeking thru....Bluejacket anchored beside us.


I had a hankering for some half and half.


Turned out pretty well....not up to Dean's lofty standards but pretty good.

Just a bit of anchorage drama at about 8 pm when the tide shifted.  A large catamaran had anchored beside us earlier (we were there first!!!) When the tide/current shifted I noticed that they were swinging very close to us - within 20-30 feet (which is much too close in winds and dark!!)  We both watched closely for the next while - and I set an alarm to check every couple of hours in the night but all was well.  

Bluejacket and Sojourn will sail next south as far as we can get - possibly stop at Coakley Cay on the way to the Raggeds.