Boat Info

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Little Ragged Cut, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

Finally some beautiful settled weather!  


Winds were light so we were able to go to the exposed southern tip of Little Ragged to snorkel.




Just beautiful and peaceful here.


We were well rewarded for our efforts!


The seas were so calm that we were able to go on the ocean side of the island back to the boat.


There are 5 boats now in the anchorage, all folks we know.


Beach gathering of course....the light winds were from the north so kept the no-see-ums away.


And we all commented on the fact that this is one of the first visible and pretty sunsets we've had this season since it's been overcast many, many evenings.

Two of our boat buds - What If and Charm were sailing overnight - What If crossing the gulf stream to the Bahamas and Charm is doing a 6 day passage to Puerto Rico so we "stalk" them on their GPS trackers.  



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