Boat Info

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Little Ragged Cut, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

 Over to the airport in the dinghies, Jolly picked us up in a pickup truck for the short ride into Duncantown. 

We were joined in the pickup bed by Hanse and Ete on the other catamaran in the anchorage (not sure of the boat name). Edit:boat name is Taimada.  They're from Germany and have done a circumnavigation!  Really nice folks.

Jolly stopped by to pick up Alma.  We'd met her a couple of times when we landed our dinghies over the years on the beach near the airplane.  She is Percy's widow - Percy is the man that built the "Airplane House" years ago from the wrecked airplane.


When we arrived at Phicol's lodge we were happy to see Charlene and Myron.  You may recall that Myron is the "birdman" who rescued the pigeon from Meshugga a couple of years ago.


Several of the cruisers had come over from Hog Cay.


Donna chatting with Alma.


After a good bit of chatting, they announced that dinner was ready!  

The meal was delicious!  And WAY too much.  But that's part of the fun!


After dinner, the Royal Bahamian Defense Force members took a group photo on the porch.

And we all sat around chatting some more...

 Donna happily doing a bit of babysitting.



Back inside it was time for a few games.....mostly based on what we played as kids - Musical Chairs.  But in this case, it was Musical Cups.


Round and round the table we went - when the island music stopped - grab a cup!  The one left without a cup is out of the game....


Good, loud fun. 


I lasted a few rounds....


Next game was a modified "grab the cup" game.  This time it was Head, Shoulders, Knees, Toes.  Different body parts were to be touched until the announcer called "CUP" - point was to be the ones to grab the cups on the floor.


Here's a video so you get the "vibe"....


 All the games were so simple and fun.  The kids all having a great time.



And before we knew it, darkness was approaching so Jolly loaded us all back up in the pickup for the ride back to the airport. 

What a fun afternoon and we're so happy to have been invited to participate!

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