Boat Info

Saturday, December 23, 2023

Little Ragged Cut, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

 Jerry and Donna lifted their sail and headed south in the morning.


I had put off doing laundry until it had piled up a bit too a couple of loads were done and much water was made at the same time.  Note that it's still very windy.  Sigh.


We departed before noon for our southbound trip as well.  Winds were predicted to be 17 gusting to 20 knots on our beam.  That was true for the first hour or so, but a rain squall appeared to be headed our way....we saw 32 knots true wind.  Glad we had only put the jib sail out as sailing in those conditions would have been overpowering.  We made it almost all the way south sailing very close to the wind albeit a bit slowly.  Approaching the cut - we still can't find much sunshine!!

Only two other boats here - looks pretty deserted!  Just Now & Zen and Hi-Flite.  Hope for sunshine tomorrow!

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