Boat Info

Friday, December 15, 2023

Big Major Spot, Exumas, Bahamas

 Looks like a perfect Bahamian day, doesn't it? 


One of the larger yachts anchored nearby had some of their young folks out enjoying the winds and their toys.


An E-foil and a chute for power.

Later in the day we had Jerry and Donna over for a "weather planning session" and a game.  Winds are going to be really strong from now thru the weekend.  20-30 knots, which is fine for now - but on Sunday the wind direction clocks around to the south and west.  We're completely exposed to the west in this anchorage.  There are really not alot of options for protection in this part of the Exumas.  We'll move to the other side of this island, we're thinking on Sunday.  Unfortunately, the forecast includes some heavy rain showers on Sunday as well.....anyway, sorry to whine about the weather but so far this season has been one weather-worry after another.  Hoping to run down to the Raggeds early next week which doesn't get affected by  most of the US weather systems!

Inside for a fun long game of Mexican Train!


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