Boat Info

Friday, December 1, 2023

Alabaster Bay, Eleuthera, Bahamas

 We started the day pulling anchor at the same time as Chris and Goesha on Solaris.


Passing a small Bahamian fishing boat.


Solaris went thru Current Cut in front of us.


Perfect timing for the tides as we had about 5 knots of current going our way.


On the other side of the cut.  The skies were a bit cloudy....makes it tough on the solar system when it's cloudy and we're using the autopilot all day.


Pretty photo ops for Solaris when they were sailing close to us.

A bit choppy but great winds for the first hour or so....forecast was for the wind to be mostly on the beam but it slowly turned on the nose during the day.

Cool video of Solaris sailing beside us.

 And here's what it looked like on Sojourn.

A line needed adjustment so Duane did that.

And if you happened to click on our Spot tracker....when the wind shifted we decided we would see how far we could get by tacking instead of turning on the "iron wind"....we would have made it eventually, haha.  After several hours of that, I gave up and turned on an engine.

We pulled into beautiful Alabaster Bay for the evening.  Had a big pot of chili for dinner and watched the series finale of Doc Martin.  Sorry to see that series end as we really enjoyed it!


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