Boat Info

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Swansboro, NC

I couldn't have asked for a more pleasant mid-November morning to depart for our southbound journey!   I started in long sleeves and pants - but those were discarded mid-day and swapped for a tee shirt and shorts.

Within minutes of our cast-off, What If was under way as well.  The True North  will be moving into the house next door soon - they'll tie the catamaran up on our empty dock until they get their pilings moved to accommodate their wide beam.


Calm morning - not a breath of wind.


Sunrise almost looks tropical!!


What If with the yellow/red sunrise shining on their hull.  Lots of other folks heading south as well!

Cathy sent me this photo of Sojourn as the sun rose.


The ICW is not our preferred travel's just the only option sometimes.  Unfortunately we have to share it with other boaters.  I will say that these young delivery captains were actually pretty courteous and didn't bounce us around with their big wakes.


Approaching Beaufort, NC - the usual shipping area photo just because I've always thought the structure was cool looking.


Finally out in the boonies a little bit with just marshy shoreline.


But the coast really alternates between natural areas that look untouched and these shorelines that are definitely not natural1


That's about it for the day - just lots of motoring.  Hoping to make our way south by the time the cold weather hits over the weekend. 

 Ed and Cathy came over for a simple spaghetti dinner and we called it an early night.  

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