Boat Info

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Cocoa Beach, Fl

A pretty uneventful day….not a lot of traffic on the ICW….

A dredging barge was about the only unusual activity. 


 We were planning to meet up with Kris & Dean on Charm about 10 miles south of Cocoa for the night, but we had 15-20 knot headwinds and current against us the entire day.  We never had a favorable current, a good bit of the day we were making only 4.5 knots over the ground.  (We could speed things up by cranking another engine....but we're too cheap to burn the diesel!)

We stopped by Titusville Municipal Marina to get some of that diesel and top off the water tanks.  It took us about an hour to fill the 100 gallons of water and move over to a separate dock for the diesel fuel.  Wonder why they don't have a water hose at the fuel dock??? Seems illogical.   

We made good use of the abundant water to do some much needed laundry.  Most of it is long sleeves and long pants...those will get tucked away for use next year...the 20+ knot winds on the nose dried two loads of heavy clothes/towels in literally just minutes.

Destination tomorrow is Vero Beach where we'll fill up the water tanks again and pick up a couple of Amazon packages.

Getting close to our anchorage a couple of brave kite-boarders crossed our path.

Current plan is to stay at Vero just for the evening then hopefully sail out the Ft. Pierce channel on Thanksgiving morning bound for the Bahamas as the offshore wind/waves is finally cooperating.  We don't want to miss this chance since the weather can be very fickle this time of year.  

1 comment:

  1. Wow that’s fast down the ICW and straight to Bahamas 👍
