Boat Info

Sunday, October 1, 2023

Pittsboro, NC

 Sorry for the lack of posts lately....I had some airport stuff to attend to over the past few days.  Back to boating stuff now!

Our wonderful Springfield double helm seat was showing it's age last year.  The vinyl covering was cracking and tearing.  Time for a new cover - luckily Springfield makes a kit so I didn't have to sew the replacement cover.  Good thing, because the cover is pretty complicated!!!  (I actually ordered the kit and the replacement foam last year but it stayed on the "to do" list until now...)

This is an old photo of the seat - trust me, it's on it's last leg.


The kit came with replacements for all the vinyl pieces.


Removed the old vinyl covering - the seat upright foam was still in good shape so we'll re-use it.  The seat bottom, however, was in pretty yucky shape so we are replacing it with new. 


We were surprised how complicated the seat cushion foam was.  Multiple pieces and contoured shape.

We had ordered some firm 4" foam and it worked great.  


Measured and started cutting.


 Using a kitchen electric carving knife - not always pretty but got the job done.

More sculpting.  We had to glue thin pieces on the ends to get the shape correct.


The upright re-assembled.


And the seat cushion re-assembled.  It's a bit wrinkly from being stored in a bag for the past year, but I expect that will flatten once we get it out in the sun.

We sanded and painted the arm rest hardware - Duane has a bit of work to do still to re-create the arm rests as the underlying wood was a bit rotten.  More later!





  1. Nice to have workshop, big floor space, tools and supplies - almost makes us want to live on land part time - almost

  2. Wow love the glimpse of your workshop. So much space to fix stuff.
