Boat Info

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Oriental, NC

 We packed up and departed for the coast after I had my yearly physical yesterday.  Flu shot with no aftereffects.  They didn't have Covid shots yet - but Cathy reminded me that there is a waiting period after you've actually had Covid to get a booster.  So that may have to wait for a while.

Anyway, we were pleased to get to stop by Morgan's Tavern in New Bern to meet up with a bunch of Manta crews!  Breathe, What If and Charm plus a couple who are sailing friends with Jason and Monica.  Fun place but as usual when there's a large crown, you only get to chat with those adjacent to you.  Maybe next time we'll do "musical chairs" halfway thru so we can catch up with everyone.....

(Thanks Cathy for the photo)


 Lots of boat work coming up....


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