Boat Info

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Bridgeton, NC

 We had a pleasant night at anchor - temperature is just lovely. 

After breakfast we slowly made or way over to the boatyard for our 9am haulout. 


Up we go!


They were busy pressure washing the bottom.  Looks pretty good - no barnacles, just a lot of green slime from sitting too long in one spot over the summer!  Pretty pleased with the SeaHawk bottom paint so far.


While we waited for them to get the boat washed and blocked, we wandered around and checked in at the office.  Instead of some yippy dogs, this year they have a brand new little kitty.  So sweet, they found her alone around the yard and have adopted her.


They put Sojourn in a nice, accessible spot. Absolutely beautiful day - time to get busy.


Duane got busy with sanding the bottom - we'll give it a coat of paint since we're already here.  Tomorrow he'll get to the main work - replacing the sail drive seals that are the real reason for this haulout!


One of the major things I'll be doing is replacing this ugly vinyl stripe at the waterline.  It's been patched and re-patched....time for a re-do.


It took me hours to get it removed....brittle thin vinyl.  I used a heat gun to soften it but it still gave me fits - and my thumbs are rebelling now!!  An added "plus" was that the vinyl left behind a good bit of it's ancient adhesive material on the side of the boat.  It comes off with acetone - but what a pain!!

The adventure will continue tomorrow!

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