Boat Info

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Oriental, NC

Just sharing a turtle photo....


The cover that I had made a couple of years ago for our riding mower has started to fail....literally falling apart.  Looks like a ghost costume, haha.


Over to Jerry and Donna's again!  They're so sweet to put up with me!  Tedious to seam-rip the old cover since it was so rotten.  But that accomplished, I simply laid it out on the new tarp and traced the edges.


Just a look at the old rotten tarp.  This webbing is underneath and ties the cover snuggly to the mower.

Tracing the "pattern" and notes for re-assembling.


Cut it all out.  (Note that it's not symmetrical - the different sides have levers, etc that make it lopsided.)


Re-used the same webbing on the underside.


And a few hours later - finished!


Should be good protection for another couple of years and you can't argue too much with the $15.99 price tag. 



  1. Don't want you to be bored with all your projects done, want some for others :)

  2. Haha you know there’s always a list๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€

  3. That comment was me…blogger won’t let me sign in again! Karen
