Boat Info

Sunday, June 4, 2023

Oriental, NC

Yay!!! We decided that we could make a quick run down to the boat.  We haven't been aboard since we returned from the Bahamas in late April.  But we've had our various boating buddies checking in, going aboard - they would have told us if  anything was amiss!  

I took this photo from Charm's blog - this is our dock a few weeks ago when there were 4 Manta's all around!


When we went inside the boat, we had a couple of surprises on the salon table....our buddies from Charm and Breathe left us thank you notes and prizes.  They REALLY SHOULDN'T HAVE!!!!  We are happy to have our friends use our dock any time there is room.  

 Love the dish towel - it will be lovingly used and mates for the ones like my sweet sissie has given me over the years - 

 We had to haul a mountain of soft goods back to the boat so took us an hour or so to get comfortable.  (All the linens and clothes were removed for a good wash after the winter in the Bahamas!)

We got a big happy welcome from Ed and Cathy on WhatIf.  They'll be leaving on Monday to head to the New York area for the summer so we're happy we could time our visit to see them.

 We have new neighbors on the's two fellas from the western part of the state.  They have done a lot of earth work and appear to be having a good time making a retreat for themselves.  They have small boats - here is Joe out sailing a tri-maran.

Here is the view over to their property from Sojourn.


 Andy came over to our dock and invited Ed, Cathy, Duane and I over for "appetizers" in the evening.  It was a full plus-size meal!! Quite the host.

Both Andy and Joe have camper-trailers semi-permanently installed. A neat set-up.

They have lots of "toys".  Looking back thru the trees to Sojourn and What If.

A fun evening and I'm sure we'll see Andy and Joe often.



1 comment:

  1. What lovely gifts!
    Andy and Joe have a neat setup. I like their covered deck extending their camper space.
