Boat Info

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Pittsboro, NC

Getting back into the swing of things on land!

I worked all day on paperwork at the Asheboro airport....lots to catch up on...Duane is still in the mountains taking care of his mom.

Finally the sun came back out.  Was a few rather depressing days just because of the weather.  Same view, much more cheerful.

 I did bit of a walkaround, enjoying the spring flowers.

The last of the azalea blooms.


And one of Grandma's amaryllises (I looked that up, it is, in fact, the plural of amaryllis...) starting to bloom.  Will be beautiful in a few days.


And abundant irises of different colors.

 Glad we're a week or so early as these will be quickly gone.


And a final few camellia blossoms left over from the early spring.


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