Boat Info

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Little Ragged Cut, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

 We went for a nice walk as the winds were building - snorkeling would not have been great.  

My camera memory chip seems to be failing in one of my cameras - I thought I was taking pretty snapshots during the 2 hour hike...but I apparently was not.  

I figured it out at the end of the hike and finally got it to take this one photo.  Oh well - I have a spare memory card so I'll try that out.

Back at the boat we did a few chores....the winds were predicted to build overnight - gusting to 40 knots according to one forecast.   At sundown the clouds were building. 

I checked the windspeed at about midnight and it was gusting to 33 knots.  We had double-checked the anchor set earlier in the day and knew that we would have no we sleep easily thru the night.

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