Boat Info

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Buena Vista Cay, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

 We got back in the water for a nice snorkel.  The seas were still pretty churned up with the strong east winds....but we made the best of it.  Good exercise swimming against a current!


I'm always trying to get a good photo of a parrot fish....they bend and curve and swim too fast though!


I just love the vibrant colors!


The reef was just teaming with life.


This green turtle was napping....but I woke him up swimming overhead.


Off he went...


 Duane speared 3 lobsters!



Back at the boat, I cleaned the antennae and legs.


Vacuum packed for later use in a salad or sauce. Very yummy part of the lobster.


Later in the day it was laundry time....breezy conditions dried the clothes in just a few minutes.

And late in the evening a US Coast Guard helicopter flew low over the anchorage checking out all the boats!

I made some yummy garlic-lemon-cheesy sauce for pasta.  I had mine with lobster and I sauteed some chicken for Duane's.  

Watched another quirky episode of the British series Vera, lulled to sleep by gentle waves slapping the hulls.

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