Boat Info

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Hog Cay, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

 We had a  pleasant and busy day!

First we got the call that the mail boat items had arrived in the morning.  About 10 days ago, Donna from Bluejacket had placed a huge grocery order from Nassau, combining orders from 7 boats in the anchorage.

Now was the time for her to separate it all out and let us pick it up....she's hidden back there working with a calculator.....


Huge thank you to Donna for organizing this!


So happy to have fresh veggies again.  I was down to a couple of carrots and 1/4 head wedge of cabbage.


There was a general announcement on the VHF that one of the fishing boats had donated a large piece of wahoo to the anchorage and that tonight would be a potluck/wahoo roast.

But, the firewood pile had gotten pretty sparse - Duane and I set out to retrieve some.  We took the dinghy up to the "Creepy Baby Doll Trail" since there is some dead wood along that path.  

We took the creepy unicorn doll and tied it up along the trail for others to enjoy.


And Duane re-positioned our previous offering of a baby doll head as it had come loose from it's previous bush.


A tarp protects the dinghy and keeps it relatively clean.


All loaded and ready to dinghy back to the cruiser hut.


Before long it was time to head ashore to the gathering.  Berger from Mayanna make quick work of grilling the wahoo fillets.  Wonderful stuff!


Fun chatting with other cruisers.  A few new faces and some familiar ones that have just come into the anchorage.


Wow, gotta love pot luck meals!

Chatted away until sunset.

Pretty and peaceful.


And relaxed by the firepit for a while before heading back to our boats.

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