Boat Info

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Little Ragged Island Cut, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

 In the very late afternoon, we went ashore for sundowners.  There are just three boats here - Sojourn, Bluejacket and Dragonfly.  

First look at the beach "hang out" area.  The summer's storms took their toll on the fire-pit.  And ALL of our plastic bins/cartons have vanished.  We had collected 5 or 6 milk crates that we used to prop our feet and as make-shift tables.  I guess we'll tote some more in from the ocean side over the coming weeks.  The "totem poles" we had erected to hold luci-lights are also dismantled.  Not sure why....and our little beach-sand shovel is also missing.  Since all the floats are still strewn about on the sand, the missing items didn't just wash away.  Puzzling.....


We settled in and chatted the last hour before sunset.  Candice from Dragonfly practiced her conch-horn blowing at sundown.  Fun catching up with Chris too (he was single-handing last year but Candice flew in to join him for a few weeks this year).


  1. Hey K, weird someone buggered off with your props...looks like y'all are settling back in though...
