Boat Info

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Black Point, Great Guana Cay, Exumas, Bahamas

 Busy day!

I wanted to try out some powdered "egg replacer" that I had gotten as a substitute for fresh eggs.

I had a left-over baked potato so decided that scramble would be good.  I chopped an onion, sauteed that with the potato until crisp, added crumbled Impossible sausage and a piece of wheat bread torn in to bite sized pieces. 

All of that tossed and fried with the moistened egg replacer.  I know it sounds odd but it was quite good!

Then up anchor and headed over to Staniel Cay.

We wanted to top off our gasoline jugs - destination in the next couple of days will be the Ragged Islands where there is no gasoline available.  

 Made quick work of getting the fuel.

Not a lot going on around the Yacht Club - too early in the season I suppose.



We wanted to get a few fresh veggies - Maxine is "off island" until mid-January so we won't be able to get anything fresh at all unless we order it from the mail boat in the Raggeds.  

Went to both the "Blue Store".....

And the "Pink Store" a good assortment of (pretty pricey!) fresh veggies.

The dinghy ride back to the boat is scenic....


Next up was a very pleasant little 10 mile sail over to Blackpoint. 

 I decided to try out my brand new breadmaker.  Yes, I've gone to the "dark side" first loaf was a bit heavy.



It tastes great but I'm going to have to work on the recipe a bit to lighten it up.  Sure was easier than all that kneading and hot-oven-baking!


We went ashore for dinner at Lorraine's.  It was not very busy and Lorraine sat and chatted with us for a long while about happenings on the island. (Jerry and Donna have been coming to the Bahamas for 17 yrs (I think) and they know a lot of the local folks.


The island is changing even in the 6 years that we've been cruising.  Lorraine and her husband Uriah are building a beautiful waterfront restaurant adjacent to their current restaurant.  They took us for a quick tour.  They hope to be open in mid-January.

 It's going to be a lovely venue. 



We know how difficult it is to get materials and supplies in the Bahamas - this is quite an undertaking for them. 

After several hours ashore the winds had come up and the waves in the anchorage were quite choppy.  We were in for a very wet ride back to the boat in the dark!  Had to get out of the salty wet clothes and shower right away!

Forgot to mention, both Bluejacket and Sojourn scored the last 2 loaves of "Lorraine's Mom's" coconut bread.  I know, I've got the breadmaker to play with....but this bread is iconic and sooo good. 


  1. Best coconut bread in Bahamas. Legendary 🤩

  2. Surprised you went for the bread machine, but once to get that recipe down, I think you’ll love it. I love mine!

  3. Hey K,
    That is a pretty place...and your hash looks delish...
