Boat Info

Thursday, November 24, 2022

West Palm Beach, FL

 With all the rain we've had, it's no surprise that the area is foggy.  We were off anchor early to motor the 50+ miles south to Lake Worth/West Palm Beach.  The forecast offshore showed seas at 4 feet, but we were skeptical because the wind had died down so much.  We decided it was worth 20 minutes to motor out the Ft. Pierce inlet and see how the seas were actually.

Duane helped as lookout while we motored out to sea.  Once we got southbound, there was in fact, a large "swell" - but it was not uncomfortable so we continued on southbound.


A few hours later, the skies had cleared and the seas were almost calm, just gently lifting us with passing swells.


Looking like touristy south Florida now.


About 7 hours of motoring later we dropped anchor in the harbor south of the inlet. 


Jerry and Donna are here as well and we will get together for Thanksgiving dinner.  Hope everyone is enjoying their holiday.  We will likely leave in the early morning hours Friday for a long run over to the Bahamas.  I'll keep you posted on the Winlink emails.  If you're not on that list and want to be, just shoot me an email.

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